lab08 : Exercises in Pipelined MIPS CPU Design

num ready? description assigned due
lab08 true Exercises in Pipelined MIPS CPU Design Fri 03/06 08:00AM Thu 03/12 11:59PM

Due Thursday, March 12th at 11:59 PM

Goals for This Lab

To analyze a pipelined MIPS CPU architecture and walk instructions through it, identifying and rectifying any hazards.

Provided Files

You will be solving problems on paper/PDF. The problem set file is lab08.pdf. Follow the instructions in the problem set file carefully and fully. Submit your completed PDF on GauchoSpace.

Submission Instructions

Submit your work to Gradescope to the entry labeled lab08 (this will be set up by the weekend for your submissions).

Copyright 2020, Ziad Matni, CS Dept, UC Santa Barbara. Permission to copy for non-commercial, non-profit, educational purposes granted, provided appropriate credit is given; all other rights reserved